
While you are setting up your home certain Vastu tips needs to be implemented in the process.
*Here are some of the essential vastu tips for home and office that will really help you to make a peaceful living…*
  • Avoid placing a fountain, or any other decorative water-centric element, outside the main door.
  • Avoid placing a shoe rack or dustbin outside the main door.
  • There shouldn’t be a bathroom near the main door.

  • Ensure the main entrance is well lit.

  • Avoid painting the main door black.

  • Decorate your door with beautiful nameplates and auspicious torans.

  • Avoid placing animal statues or figurines near the main door.

  • Ensure your main door opens in a clockwise manner.

  • The east or north-east part of your home is perfect for meditation, yoga and other Activity.

  • Facing east when you meditate will increase positivity.

  • White, beige, light yellow or green are great colour options for the room.

  • All electronics and appliances should be installed in the south-east section of the living room.

  • Avoid placing a mirror or television in front of the bed. Your reflection must not be seen in a mirror when in bed as it causes fights and other domestic disruptions.

  • The kitchen should be placed in the south-east direction of the house.

  • According to vastu, the toilet/bathroom should be in the west or north-west direction.

  • The open space left in North, East and North-east should be more than South and West.

  • Place a tulsi plant at the entrance of your home.

  • Do not sleep with your head towards the north direction.

  • Avoid using broken cutlery.

  • Wall clocks should always be in working condition.

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