Vaastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with man and materials. The word ‘Vastu’ was originated from the term ‘VASTOSHPATI’ which had its usage in the Rig Veda and is said to render happiness, prosperity, and protection in life and after death too. It is all about the interaction of various forms of best effect on a living person.

According to vastu sastra, the world comprises five basic elements known as the pancha maha bhoota. Out of the eight planets, ours has life because of the presence and balance of these five elements.

In fact, open spaces balance the overall energies of the plot or property and should be incorporated in Vastu recommended directions only. Open spaces can be created in the north and the north-east directions which ensures wealth and prosperity in the household.
he open spaces are not only beautiful but also provide the residents with a safe and secure environment for spending their time, both individually and in groups. therefore, open spaces improve the general health and well-being of the residents. it reduces stress, encourages physical activity and reduces depression.

The reason behind this is the universal need for peace and harmony, which the application of Vaastu Shastra in home construction and design is supposed to bring along with promises of good health, wealth and happiness in life. vaastu guides us to allow the presence of a positive cosmic field that regulates our physical, mental and spiritual order. Vaastu helps in building an environment to bring pleasure and well being.

In simple terms vastu aims to make harmonious buildings in tune with mother-nature, so that the human inhabiting the building, lives well balanced and happy life. In ancient India, people believed house as a living organism and treated constructing a house as sacred ceremony.

The effects of Vastu cures will depend onthe basis of which the defect was taken careoff.
Vastu remedies generally give results within 15 to 45 days depending on how receptive the land is
If the magnitude of defect was huge and it was remedied then Sometimes you may notice some improvements right away..But if vastu was just used to enhance the change in life, the effect of the solutions could be anywhere from 30days to few months.
When the elements are balanced in your environment, opportunities will come. It is up to you to utilize these opportunities.

Strategic placement of stairs in the house can enhance the energy of the house. The staircase should be located at the Southern corner or West but never towards the North-East side.

According to like vastu shastra, the best direction to sleep in is toward the south. One should never sleep having head towards the North Pole and legs towards the South Pole.

According to Vastu Shastra, Each direction has its own importance, there is no particular direction that a house should face. There are four major directions and sub-directions in Vastu. The four major directions are North, South, East and West and sub-directions are North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West.

Following vaastu principles helps you in balancing the northern energies in order to attract wealth. Besides this there are some other defects too like, toilet in northeast, entrance in southwest, etc. which causes financial crisis but these can be rectified with vastu principles.

Vastu helps in emend these problems in order to ensure good health.
Vastu also provide tips to ensure conception and smooth pregnancy. The centre of the house, Centre means Brahmasthan workplace as well as that of each and every room is very important as it is connected with health and is considered to be the heart of the house. Brahmasthan, this would be the meeting point of all the energies from different directions of the home. Vastu helps in rectifying these problems in order to ensure good health.

Vaastu helps in getting good jobs, promotion and profits in business by creating an environment of positivity, It also balances the energies at workplace creating an overall atmosphere for growth. It reduces the ill effect of negative energies that poses obstacle in the career path.

The best time to take vaastu shastra advise is before purchasing any Property, house or office renting, constructing pen plot or renovating a property to get the best results. However, rectification also can be done in an already constructed or purchased property.

Yes, vaastu can help in a relationship. There are some flaws in the place of residence that creates Problems and stress, that create Problems between two people. Vaastu helps in reducing these tensions.

Feng Shui is based on Chinese mythology and science. This helps in creating a positive environment for health, wealth and happiness.

Vastu Shastra is of Indian origin which was made for town planning and temple architecture. This vedic science believes in pleasing ‘vastu Purush’ to live with Peace, Prosperity & Happiness. Whereas, Feng Shui is China based and is based on ‘Chi’ and ‘Cha’, five elements where metal is different from vaastu.

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